ABOUT - 5th dimension

Welcome to the 5th dimension, a reality beyond our physical senses.

The 5th dimensions project features a collection of 3D sculptures -elements- located across the world. Each sculpture is positioned at a specific GPS coordinate and becomes visible when you are in close proximity.

The code of each of these unique sculptures lives in the blockchain and in the InterPlanetary File System, and using augmented reality their presence can be experienced in the real world. The 5th dim brings to our physical reality elements that exist beyond the confines of our tangible world.

We can place whatever we want, wherever we want.

What is "The 5th Dimension" project?

The 5th dimension is a theoretical dimension that exists beyond our physical senses. It is said to be a dimension of space and time that surrounds us but is invisible to the naked eye.

"The 5th Dimension" is an NFT project that showcases a captivating collection of 3D models called "elements." These elements exist solely in the 5th dimension and can be experienced using augmented reality technology. The project offers a unique and immersive artistic experience beyond our physical senses.

How can I view and interact with the elements in "The 5th Dimension"?

To view the elements, you have two options. Firstly, by being near the GPS coordinates where the elements are located, you can witness their presence in the 5th dimension using your device's augmented reality feature. Secondly, if you're not physically near the elements, you can still preview them through the 5th "dimension explorer", a user interface that allows you to interact with the NFT collection using virtual or augmented reality.

What are the static and dynamic elements?

Some of the elements in "The 5th Dimension" project are static, meaning they do not change, while others are dynamic, meaning they can be interacted with and their properties can be changed.

Can I mint my own elements in "The 5th Dimension"?

Yes, in certain cases, you have the opportunity to mint your own elements using the minting tool provided by the project. This allows you to contribute to the expanding array of creations within the 5th dimension. Additionally, during the minting process, you may have the option to choose where your minted element will reside within the 5th dimension.

Are the locations of the elements fixed? Can I change the location of the elements I own?

In 'The 5th Dimension,' some elements have fixed locations within the 5th dimension, while others provide you with the ability to change their location. If you own elements that allow location modification, you can interact with the 5th dimension and manipulate their positioning within certain limits, enhancing your control and personalization of the artistic experience. To exercise this capability, log in with a supported wallet through our UI, locate the specific element you own and wish to relocate, and utilize the change location option to modify its positioning within the 5th dimension.

Do I need to download any external apps to access the 5th dimension experience?

No, you do not need to download any external applications to access the 5th dimension experience. Simply being near the GPS coordinates of the elements or using the 5th dimension explorer grants you the ability to view and interact with the NFT collection. We prioritize your privacy and aim to provide a seamless experience without the need for additional app downloads.

Are the contracts for "The 5th Dimension" project verified?

Yes, all the contracts associated with "The 5th Dimension" project are thoroughly verified to ensure transparency and security. Our UI serves as a convenient gateway to interact with the 5th dimension and the contracts, providing an enhanced user experience. However, if you prefer to interact with the contracts directly or through other platforms such as Etherscan, you are free to do so. We prioritize your safety and encourage you to choose the method that makes you feel most comfortable and safe.

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